I have been working at AAme for 1.5 years now and one of my tasks is to write a blog. Now I used to cry in front of the class when I had to give a lecture, so writing a blog off the cuff is right up my street and with these summer temperatures… Not!
I’ve been looking for suitable topics for over a week now, what’s interesting, what’s current, what’s good for business? And all I can think is: ‘Holy moly, it’s hot in the bedroom’.
Black humour
On to Stefan, our Legal-tiger with his old soul, who knows what to do. He started at AAme a few months later than I did. With his black humour I can talk to him about work or private matters, lovely! I did check on Google to see if “black humour” doesn’t suddenly mean something transgressive, because at AAme we work with norms and values and everyone is welcome, regardless of race, orientation and whatever cross you may have in your passport: woman/man/heaven/blue/purple/brown/yellow/white, even I am welcome! Diversity is a high priority for us.

But anyway, I still need blog material, so I went to Stefan, our moustache lawyer, to ask if a blog about pension in case of divorce would be something, nice heavy stuff for the summer, and all he said was… “You’re going to write a blog about a service we don’t offer? Top you should do, do close with the text: If you have any questions, don’t call us!”
AAmezing AAme

So now just about my first year and a half in service at AAme Advisors, AAmezing AAme! It flew by and I have the feeling that I have been working there with pleasure for 10 years.
Adrie, our CEO with a sense of humour, quickly dubbed me ‘the bald one’… and that’s right. I love it, humour on the shop floor.
Colourful shirts
I’ve worked for quite a few employers, the pinnacle of which was resigning because I was wearing too colourful shirts (accountants always have to wear a blue shirt and a suit, apparently a pink shirt is not wanted!), but here at AAme I feel good and at home, regardless of the colour of my shirts. My colleagues are great and yes, we work hard, but we also laugh! I learn from Charlotte (Charly for intimates) every day, she is our financial brain who keeps me on my toes and makes sure I leave work with a smile on my face..
Hard work is rewarded and that’s true, every day. At lunchtime, lunch is provided (not that good!) by our dear Saïd, our facilities assistant, who you see running past you all day to make it pleasant for everyone. Saïd is our employee of the month/year/century!
I like Saïd’s cooking better than my wife’s (sorry darling!), so after a year I can say that I always have my little swimming pool with me… but luckily I can work it off in our own gym. After the holidays (I won’t say which one) I’ll be hitting the gym again in our AAmezing Gym!

If you’re like me and you want to feel at home in a warm bath, have a look at our vacancies (in Dutch)!
Happy Indian summer! I’m going to stay in the office for a while, under the airco.

PS. I haven’t even mentioned our AAmezing weekend in Paris with all the partners, that was really cool! But I would be happy to tell you about that experience over a ‘cup’ of coffee (not ditch water) from the best coffee machine there is.

W. (Wilco) van Uden
Finance Manager (present: ma. to fr.)
+31(0)15 820 00 45