Max Verstappen is having his best season and the chance of winning his first Formula 1 world title is bigger than ever. During a race, he sometimes has to make a decision in a matter of seconds based on the data he receives over the onboard radio. Behind the onboard radio is a team of specialists who use data. Data that is real-time, because every second the data can be changed and influence the outcome of the race.
As an entrepreneur you also want to have insight in current figures at a glance, without having to combine various reports or to make difficult pivot tables in an Excel sheet, which will no longer fit the following year. The AAme Comandi dashboard has the solution for this. By connecting your administration to the dashboard once and setting the desired information, you can get real-time insight in the financial situation of your company every day, every hour or every minute.
The AAme Comandi dashboard gives you the opportunity to set budgets, various Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), benchmarking and alerts.
Set your own indicators
By using budgets you can immediately see how you perform against your own budget and therefore you can more quickly take specific actions where necessary. Often people look back at a budget and it is already too late to take action, but with the Aame Comandi dashboard you are ahead of the figures!
By setting your own indicators, such as liquidity, debtor position, personnel costs or occupancy rates, you can see how you are doing at any time of the day and respond accordingly. Handy alerts keep you informed of deviating figures.
By hanging up a monitor with the AAme Comandi Dashboard on it, you can give your team insight into certain KPIs. Think for example of a hospitality company, where the average turnover per table or per employee and the number of guests in a period is shown. This can increase employee engagement and provide motivation for the team to increase daily turnover.
Faster intervention
By showing a benchmark between different establishments in the AAme Comandi dashboard, you have the possibility to intervene more quickly at each establishment. If the concept is the same, but differences arise, you can immediately see in the dashboard where improvements are needed.
As an entrepreneur, you want to be more engaged in your field, just like Max is. By taking a look at the dashboard and noticing shifts in the main indicators, you can intervene more quickly and have more time for what is really important: COMPANY at the highest level!
Comandi specialist
Curious about the relief provided by the AAme Comandi dashboard, or would you rather continue to chase the facts? Our Comandi specialist Maurits Verhoef is ready to take your figures in hand. Contact him at maurits@aame.nl or by phone on +31 15 820 00 40.