There is a lot going on in the news about energy and the need for energy. The new Dutch cabinet wants to build two new nuclear power plants, and at the same time the Netherlands must become more energy efficient and climate neutral. This certainly also applies to the (industrial) business community in the Netherlands. Offices must have arranged to meet at least energy label C before 1 January 2023.
Why mandatory?
The obligation is an agreement from the 2013 Energy Agreement, combined with a goal from the 2017 Coalition Agreement to achieve a 49% reduction in CO2 emissions by 2030. In 2019, new targets were then formulated for the built environment in the Climate Agreement, namely to achieve an energy-neutral built environment by 2050. An interim target has been formulated for 2030. The C label obligation is a step towards all these targets.
Stricter requirements already apply to new buildings. The label C obligation ensures that existing buildings will also perform better in terms of energy. Last but not least, energy label C or higher ensures a better working environment and more comfort for users.
When is an energy label mandatory?
- The usable area of the office building is larger than 100m2;
- the usable area of the office building is more than 50% of the total usable area of the building;
- the office building uses energy to regulate the indoor climate;
- the office building has been in use for at least 2 years;
- the measures required to achieve energy label C have a payback period of less than 10 years.
The municipality will enforce the energy label of offices and it has the possibility to give (heavy) fines and even to close the office!
For now, it only applies to the office environment, but in the future it may also apply to shops, hotels and other (business) premises.
Approximately 57% of the offices in the Netherlands have at least energy label C, so for the remaining offices there is still work to be done!
Does your office building already have an energy label?
Check whether an energy label is already available by filling in postcode + house number of the office building via

If the label is lower than C or there is no label yet, find an Energy Advisor via: https://platform.centraalregistertechniek.nl/Vakbedrijven/Zoeken?t=Energie-advies
Do not wait too long with this, because the adjustments to label C are not possible without contractors and suppliers. Moreover, some raw materials are scarce at the moment!
What savings can you make, among other things?
- Applying LED lighting;
- Using thermostats, timers and presence detectors;
- Purchase of solar panels;
- Purchase a heat pump;
- Energy efficient central heating boilers;
- Wall insulation.
What will it cost?
The Energy Advisor, together with the contractor, will be able to answer this question.
If you want more information, please consult the website of the Rijksdienst voor Ondernemend Nederland (in Dutch):
What can AAme Advisors do for you?
You may be able to make use of the Energy Investment Allowance (EIA) for entrepreneurs. With this investment deduction, you can deduct your investment costs from the fiscal profit. For 2022, there is an EIA budget of âĴ 149 million.
We like to think along with you about the possibilities. Please contact us via info@aame.nl or call +31152158815.

W. (Wilco) van Uden
Finance Manager (present: ma. to fr.)
+31(0)15 820 00 45