Employment agreement under the
NBBU Collective Labour Agreement
The Dutch Association of Mediation and Temporary Employment Companies (Nederlandse Bond van Bemiddelings- en Uitzendondernemingen, NBBU) is an association representing the interests of SME temporary employment companies. In addition to temporary employment companies, also freelance mediators, payroll companies and other agencies are members of the NBBU and can make use of the collective labour agreement for personnel on the flex market.
De NBBU Collective Labour Agreement
The NBBU Collective Labour Agreement (CLA) contains agreements made between the trade union and employers on wages, days off, sickness, accrual of pension and the rights and obligations of the flexworker. The NBBU CLA exists of four phases. The longer an employee works under the NBBU CLA, the more rights the employee accrues. However, after a break of at least 26 weeks, the employee will be back in phase one.
Labour Standards Foundation (SNA) Quality Mark: Recipients Liability
AAme Flex Solutions B.V. (view the declaration of registration) is included in the Labour Standards Foundation. As a result, the risks for recipients or workers and the clients of work who use our services are limited.
Do you want to know what the SNA Quality Mark means? Click here!
Employment agreement under the NBBU CLA
Through our subsidiary, AAme Flex Solutions B.V., we provide a employment agreement under the NBBU CLA. We herewith offer a solution for blue-collar workers, an alternative to our other payroll solution designed for white-collar workers.