New regulation ‘Paid Parental Leave’
as of 2 august 2022
Currently, Dutch employees who are the parents or guardians of a child up to 8 years of age are entitled to parental leave. This is unpaid leave, unless the employment contract or CLA states otherwise.
In October 2021, the Paid Parental Leave Act was passed. As a result, a new paid parental leave regulation will enter into force on 2 August 2022. With this new regulation, parental leave becomes a partially paid leave. This means that every working parent in the child’s first year of life is entitled to up to 9 weeks of paid parental leave.
In anticipation of the introduction of the new regulation, we at AAme have already listed all of the important issues for you and compiled these in a white paper. You are free to download the white paper. Should you still have questions after reading, please do not hesitate to contact the advisors at AAme.